Breakfast for Israel 2024 |

Breakfast for Israel 2024

Featuring The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, PC CC

Breakfast for Israel 2024

Featuring The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, PC CC

    RBC Place, London, Canada  N6B 1P8

Jewish National Fund of London 2024 Breakfast for Israel Featuring: The Right Honourable  Stephen Harper, PC CC

JNF London’s inaugural  Breakfast for Israel will be an  event to attract London’s most  influential professionals in the  fields of business, real estate,  medical, finance, high tech,  and more. Funds raised from  this exclusive charitable  gathering will support the  rebuilding of Kibbutz Kissufim,  one of the communities that  was devastated by the attacks  on October 7th. To learn more about the project click here.

For decades, the Jewish National Fundof Canada (JNF) has cared for the land  of  Israel. This mission took the role of  planting trees, building water reservoirs,  preserving natural habitats, as well as  building parks and bicycle trails. This work  continues to this day. More recently, the  organization has evolved to take on more  progressive projects that develop social  infrastructure. We now serve vulnerable  sectors such as youth at risk, victims of  domestic abuse, special needs children,  the disadvantaged and far more. JNF  identifies critical needs and directs donor  funds to the most impactful areas. In the  aftermath of October 7th, JNF Canada is  devoted to the rebuilding of the western  Negev and the Upper Galilee.

To Donate Today please use the form below. 

For more information please contact Anastasia at 519-432-2139 or
